Dinosaur Game

Author: Opal Simpson
Date: 10/8/2022


Dinosaur Game

Dinosaur Game is an endless runner game developed by the Chrome UX team in 2014. An Easter egg was added to the browser that can be played when there is no internet connection, hence the nickname "no Internet dinosaur game."

Ever since its addition to the web browser, the game has gathered many enthusiasts, and as of 2018, it was recorded that the game has been played over 270 million times.

Instead of waiting for a bad internet connection to enjoy the chrome dinosaur game, you can play even while online. This game is available in full screen and is compatible with P.C.s, mobile phones, tablets, and multiple operating systems.

How to play the Google Dinosaur Game Online?

You can play the Google Dinosaur Game at any time and from any device on our website. Click on the "play" icon on the Dinosaur game to get started. This action will take you to the game interface, where you find your pixelated T-Rex buddy, Dino!

On a P.C., you commence the game by clicking the space bar. On a mobile device, click on Dino to get started. The game's essence is to jump over obstacles in the form of cactus plants successfully. You perform this action by clicking the space bar or tapping the dinosaur.

Take note of how your score increases as the game progresses. They are the rapidly growing numbers on the right corner of your screen. While it is an endless run, the dinosaur game google ending is at the highest score, 9999. The game resets when you hit this record-breaking score, and you can start over again. However, you have to jump over tons of obstacles to get there.

Dare to reach the highest score? Hit plaay to start running.

